Choosing Your Kiln
Cone Art has three kiln models that can suit all your needs. Which kiln model is right for me?
Choosing the perfect kiln can be overwhelming. There are many options and issues to consider.
The following is a checklist for your convenience while deciding which Cone Art Kiln is right for you.
First answer four simple questions:
1. What do you want to accomplish with your new kiln?
2. How much time do you want to put into the firing process?
3. How much space is available for your new kiln?
4. What is the building’s electrical service?
Next consult this handy Check List:
✅ Inside Dimensions (What kind of space do you need for the pieces you will be firing?)
✅ Outside Dimensions (How much space do you have available to situate your kiln, allowing for a minimum of 12” around the entire kiln?)
✅ Manual or Automatic Controller (Manual includes Kiln Sitter with Timer and Infinite Switches / Automatic includes Bartlett Automatic Controller.)
✅ Consult an electrician on your building’s capabilities for the following: 1. PHASE | 2. VOLTAGE | 3. AMPS